Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 284 Into Bolivia 15 November 2012

We arrived early in the morning in La Quiaca, Argentina and took a taxi to the border. Crossing into Villazon, Bolivia was easy and straight forward. Martijn got a stamp and Ana got a visa, the required copy of her passport which we did not have was waved away.
After changing our money we took another quick taxi ride to the bus station, where we got in a minibus to Tupiza, Bolivia.  After sleeping away the one and a half hour, supposedly very scenic, drive we arrived and asked the first other European looking tourist for a recommendation. We walked to the suggested hostel and booked a room for the night and a 4 day jeep tour to leave the next day. We enjoyed the little town walking around and having a tasty set lunch with –believe it or not- our first rice in Latin America.
In the evening we found a great little restaurant where we had a national dish, Pico Macho.

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