Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 273 Buenos Aires 4 November 2012

Today we spent the day exploring Buenos Aires. We started off with the Sunday artisanal market in our barrio, San Telmo, where we found our Argentinean souvenir, a beautiful miniature of the typical colorful houses. 
We were lucky enough to find the Casa Rosa open, the governmental building where among others Evita Peron had her office.
This is the president's private elevator, to be used by nobody else. We can only picture what a luxury that would be.
Then we continued along Puerto Modero and bought our ferry tickets to Uruguay. Next stop was the art museum where we waited in a long line for about an hour to get to the front door.
To our dismay, when we reached the door the lights literally went out in the museum and everybody had to go out!  We walked a bit around in the neighborhood, and had some empanadas but when dusk fell the mosquitoes were ferocious and their attacks were just too much so we jumped into a taxi and returned to our hotel.

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