Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 208 Another Driving Day 31 August 2012

Apparently we follow our guidebook a little too closely. When we were getting ready to leave- mapping out our drive -we noticed that the cover photo was made at our location!

Australia is huge. And from our map we seem to make absolutely no progress.
We pulled over to the first camper park we found around 5pm since we do not want to drive at sunset or night (you are more likely to hit a kangaroo at sunset and we are not insured to drive at night).We cooked our mash potatoes, beets and meat on the barbeque and finished dinner relatively early. We knew we were off the highway but only as we were finishing dinner did we realize a railway ran parallel to the highway. Both were very busy at night and we heard and felt every single truck and train pass by throughout the night. Good thing we were in bed by 7pm- it gave us a lot of time to try to sleep.

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