Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 55 Salt and Pepper with a side of Panic 31 March 2012

Today we went along with the American girl for a country side tour on a tuktuk, exploring the region around Kampot.

Even though Kampot is famous for its pepper, the first stop was a salt field.

Then we continued to a pepper plantation where we could have a spicy taste.

After lunch in a lovely guesthouse in the middle of nowhere, we continued to Kep, a small town on the beach.

Apart from the beach we were able to visit the old king’s palace (or its remains), now apparently squatted by a family with two cute kids, that very much liked Ana’s funny walks.

On our way back we encountered some monkeys that were less amused. An overprotective mother gave Ana the scare of her life, since she thought the monkey would attack her-the monkey bared her teeth. Ana’s scream of panic as she tripped trying to put more space between them scared the monkeys more.

We safely passed the monkeys and headed back to the main square. There we were treated to a Carnival Parade put on by the village kids as well as to our first tropical rain storm.

Still shaken from the monkey business Ana had to endure a visit to a bat cave, and what turned out to be a huge thunderstorm with an ocean of rain on the way back.

We stopped for some gas on the road and faced the ever important question: Coke or Pepsi?

We were back in our little hut, but far from safe as the rain started again and a biblical amount of moth like insects were flying everywhere around, resulting in all the giant geckos, toads and little geckos coming out of the woodwork and enjoying an eating frenzy. Even the dog joined in.

The sight of this put Ana over the top and only after a hard stiff drink from the hut proprietor - as he saw her glued to the ground in shock - was she able to put the day behind her and go to sleep.

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