Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 42 Best of the rest 18 March 2012

We started the day bright and early, and went by tuk tuk to Ta Prohm, a temple famous for trees engulfing the stone structures.

Our next stop was a welcome change from all the temples, the flooded forest of Kompong Phhluk, where during the wet season the water rises about 6 to 7 meters (20 feet), overtaking the forest. To cope with the water all houses are built on stilts, which is quite an incredible sight at the end of dry season.

We ended our tour with a visit to the Roluos temples: Bakong, Preah Ko and Lolei. At Preah Koh Ana met her fans; ladies of all ages not getting over their surprise about the color of Ana’s skin.

To recover from the heat, we took some frozen juice drinks in a cool butterfly filled garden café.

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