Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 30 Night train back to New Delhi 6 March 2012

After much confusion we left Chitwan park at 8:30am (we were told 5:30am and others from the group were told 10:30am). After a speedy immigration process, we walked back into India and so the honking and noise pollution started again. We are going to miss Nepal. At Bhaktapur station we experienced more dirty looks from porters carrying our bags and after a solid 2 hour wait we entered the night train to New Delhi.

We had second class bunk tickets and were delightfully surprised with the accommodation. We shared a four bunk compartment with another couple of the group. We closed our curtain and watched a movie on our laptop, but in the middle of the movie the lady in the bunk perpendicular to us opened the curtain and started watching the movie too.

After the movie Martijn, with his spectacular skill, slept for the remaining 12 hours of the train ride. Ana, who cannot just sleep the sleep of the dead everywhere and anywhere, managed about 5 hours.

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