Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 137 Inle Lake by Boat 21 June 2012

After breakfast we walked through the local market to the harbor, where we caught a long tail boat that would be our way of transport for the day. After about 4 km we reached the huge and beautiful Inle Lake, where we toured around, seeing another market, making a stop at a temple with about a thousand pagodas and had some lunch.

Highlights after lunch included a fisherman’s village, the floating islands where mostly tomatoes are grown (the tomato salads in Myanmar are absolutely superb) and a monastery famous for its jumping cats, which were taught by the monks to jump through little hoops.

Martijn, overexcited by this, tried to lure the cats by shaking the food container, unfortunately all the food went over the floor, making sure Martijn had plenty of cat friends.

We ended the tour with a visit to a bridge mostly used by the school kids to return from their school on land to their house in the lake.

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