Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 132 Ana’s 30th Birthday! 16 June 2012

Since it was Ana’s birthday today we were glad we could sleep in until 8 am. Fresh from breakfast we continued our tour through Bagan’s many pagodas. Where we saw the 11th century pagodas yesterday, today the focus was more on 12th and 13th century.
We also made a visit to a local town, where we witnessed the production of cart wheels and the process of weaving blankets.

Lunch we had again at our favorite vegetarian restaurant with extra mango juice for Ana.

During the midday break we were lucky enough that we were able to connect to the internet , so we could Skype home to our families, and give everybody the opportunity to congratulate Ana. It was a special day, because not only did Ana become 30 years old, also her mother and brother graduated today!
After a swim our sightseeing continued, ending again in a different but not less superb panorama sunset view of the pagodas.

We tried another vegetarian restaurant we had read about to celebrate Ana’s birthday. It turned out to be a very special dinner. The family cooked an exquisite meal, hosted with such excitement and hospitality, and surprised Ana, after hearing of her birthday, with a gift of tamarind sweets and a desert of fresh mango and fried bananas.  Martijn put some candles in the fired bananas and the whole family joined in singing Happy Birthday to Ana!

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