Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 130 Yangon Sightseeing 14 June 2012

A 4 am wake-up call and an hour and a half flight from Bangkok brought us to Yangon, Myanmar. Although we were tired we jumped right into seeing the city, after overcoming the first of many surprises. The guide that picked us up was wearing a longyi, a kind of male long skirt that is worn by the majority of men. The women use a kind of make-up that is made from the bark of a tree, that looks a little like dried mud, which protects from the sun and is also a fashion statement (We saw many different designs). The sightseeing started off with a quite modern reclining Buddha, followed by a pagoda displaying some of Buddha’s hair.

Here Martijn is throwing money on a good luck wheel, he managed to get "his wish come true", "be a holy man" and "free from danger". Unfortunately the money skipped out of "winning the lottery".
Lunch was a good excuse for an introduction to Myanmar cuisine. We ate at Feel, and the feeling was overwhelming with a choice of a 100 dishes by sight only, while dozens of Myanmar people where buzzing away.
After lunch we visited the market, the harbor and the most famous pagoda of Myanmar, where Ana settled her years of future luck by washing the Buddha (with an elephant without tusks) linked to her weekday of birth, Wednesday.

Exhausted, we went to bed on the springiest twin beds without dinner, and after we stopped bouncing we had a nice night of sleep.

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