Thursday, February 23, 2012

From dream talk to reality-or- how did this happen?

What couple doesn’t dream of traveling? We sure did! But woah this is so much more than we even dreamt of! How it really started was that Martijn was looking at the birthdays posted on the intranet of his company. He noticed the name of a guy who didn’t work there anymore and decided to let HR know that they made a mistake by including this coworker’s name on the list. HR had it right- this guy still worked for the company but was on a time credit. “Time credit?!?!” Martijn asked “What’s that?!?!? And how can I get Time Credit?!?!” And that is how this adventure began.

Or maybe it was Ana when she sketched this when we were talking about/drawing what we want in life.

Little did she know that that plane going around the world would actually be happening.

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